Who is Certified in Lifestyle Medicine in the South Pacific?

2020 Cohort
Six physicians sat the IBLM board certification exam with the following three candidates passing. These individuals are now also diplomates of the International Board of Lifestyle Medicine.

Dr Walter Vermeulen, Apia Samoa.

Dr Nadim Cody, Suva, Fiji.

Dr Sylvia Defensor, Suva, Fiji

2020 Cohort
Five professionals sat the IBLM board certification exam with the following three candidates passing. These individuals are now also diplomates of the International Board of Lifestyle Medicine.

Vittoria Pasca, Suva, Fiji

Phalguni James, Port Vila, Vanuatu

Alissa Winter, Suva, Fiji

2020 Cohort
One practitioner sat the IBLM board certification exam but did not pass.